Divers-scouts of 73 naval centers during special tactical exercises during the day and at night carry out descents in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas.

SOF combat swimmers training SOF combat swimmers training SOF combat swimmers training

During the exercises, boarding operations on ships are practiced, combat swimmers are warriors of three elements, they operate both on water, on land and from the air.

SOF combat swimmers training SOF combat swimmers training

The Special Operations Force is not a mass product. It is this axiom that is central to the training of qualified combat swimmers.

Only by constantly engaging in combat training is it possible to become a specialist in your field.

SOF combat swimmers training SOF combat swimmers training SOF combat swimmers training

Source: https://www.facebook.com/NavalSOFCenter/posts/1198812327269483
Author: 73 Maritime Center of the Special Forces named after Koshevoy Ataman Anton Golovaty