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B&T Industries is an American brand that was founded in 1997. In 2010, the company began producing shooting bipods that are adjustable in height, can turn and tilt in different directions. The Atlas bipod immediately became popular with the military and sports shooters and continues to be in great demand today.
What do you need to know about B&T Industries?
B&T Industries is committed to providing high quality accessories at an affordable price. This has become one of the main reasons why every year more and more people want to buy an Atlas bipod.For their manufacture, high-quality raw materials are used, they boast rich functionality and a reliable design. You can buy ATLAS bipods in several varieties: there are models for both amateurs and professional snipers.
In the catalog of our online store you can find the following modifications:
• BT46.
• BT22.
• BT47.
• BT10.
• BT65 and others.
Large selection of Atlas bipods in our online store
B&T Industries products to buy in Ukraine offers our online store. We sell original products and set reasonable prices for them. Delivery across Ukraine, different ways of payment of the order is possible. Managers are always ready to advise and answer your questions.